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Thursday, July 17, 2008

Stay back at school

Today, nothing really happened at the normal cirriculum(However you spell it) time, nothing really happened. But i am going to talk about it anyway.

First it was English(or was it?). Anyway, the lesson went fine that time. Then, recess. After i ate, i went to the library as i always do and met chong ching and sean chia, which i always do also. So, nothing really also. Just walked around as not much time left.

After recess, more lessons...

The thing i am going to elaborate on is the supplementary lesson with form teacher. Well, it started off well. We had some sort of science quiz thingo. But when the class started to get noisy, our teacher flared up and shouted at everybody. Then she threw the papers on the floor and some on the table to be distributed out. She wrote the answers on the board and when there was not enough space left she just erased the old one. The problem is that she wrote very big and fast so space ran out quickly.

Finally, when all this was over, it was about 3.40pm, when it was supposed to end at 3.30pm. Then when she dismissed us everybody 'escaped' except, a few of us. Actually i could also 'escape' but not sure if i was supposed to. So, remained Me, Rui Chong, Kenneth Soon, Elsa, Angie, Xenia, Jowell and angie's bro, and of course our teacher. Our teacher asked us to clean up the whole classroom. I always hear from Rui Chong that angie's bro is very irritating. But i always could nt tell because he didnt really do anything that i saw before. But now, i understand. We clean up, he mess up. Irritating as ever. Finally, when this is REALLY over, it was almost 4.00pm and i can FINALLY go home.



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